Od WiFi pionira do tržišnog lidera

Od 2001. godine razvili smo se u jednog od najvećih pružatelja WiFi usluga u Europi. Kao tehnološki lider imamo područne urede u Aachenu, Münchenu, Karlsruheu, San Franciscu, Šibeniku i u ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima. Omogućujemo bežični pristup internetu s prilagodljivim dizajnom mreže. Nudimo i integraciju širokog raspona usluga uključujući Digital Signage, Guest Infotainment System (GIS), VoIP, VoD i Location Based Servicesi za klijente na području turizma, organizacije sajmova i konferencija, financijskog sektora, maloprodaje, zdravstva i prijevoza putnika.

Lokacija usluge
aktivnih mrežnih uređaja
aktivni korisnici
Tvrtka Tvrtka

Nama je najvažniji rezultat
Usredotočeni smo na rješenja – sa logičnim pristupom i znanjem. Fokusirani smo na vaše želje i razvijamo prikladne koncepte, individualno prilagođene Vašim potrebama.

Tvrtka Tvrtka

Mi smo pioniri
Dizajniramo budućnost, razvijamo nove tehnologije, otvaramo nova tržišta i rješavamo buduće izazove već danas.

Tvrtka Tvrtka

Radimo na globalnoj razini
Putem ureda u Aachenu, Berlinu, Karlsruheu, Šibeniku i San Franciscu nudimo naše usluge klijentima u više od 20 zemalja.

Tvrtka Tvrtka

Volimo Internet
Strastveni smo prema internetu i novim mrežnim tehnologijama. Na spomen iBeaconsa, API-a i TCP IP protokola, nama srce zakuca brže. Za nas, tehnologija nije svrha sama sebi, ali pronalaženje poslovnih rješenja putem razvoja novih tehnologija nas jednostavno fascinira.

Martin Arnold,
potpredsjednik za digitalne usluge središnje Europe, Accor Hotels

„Za dobar timski rad potrebni su uzajamno povjerenje, senzibilitet i prilagodljivost, stoga ne možemo zamisliti prikladnije partnere od tvrtke m3connect GmbH. Zahvalni smo na aktivnoj podršci našim sadašnjim i budućim projektima i cijenimo stručnost koju ulažu. Radujemo se i budućoj bliskoj suradnji, koja će nam omogućiti da našim gostima i dalje pružamo pouzdanu i naprednu uslugu.”

Aschaffenburg Klinika
Marc Kropacek,
zamjenik voditelja IT usluga, Aschaffenburg Klinika

“Godinama smo radili s m3 connectom i uvjeren sam da smo izabrali najbolje. Osobno, posebno cijenim fleksibilnost kojom su reagirali na naše potrebe.”

Landal GreenParks
Ernst Veldkamp,
ICT projekt manager, Landal GreenParks

“Mi smo zaista uživali raditi s m3connectom. Oni su u fazi planiranja veliku pozornost posvetili našim potrebama, a zatim su nam ponudili inteligentno rješenje koje je savršeno zadovoljilo sve potrebe.”

Naši klijenti
B&B Hotels
Best Western
HR Group
Landal GreenParks
radisson blu
suncani hvar
Black Forest
Peach Property Group
Deutsche Rentenversicherung
Lafim Diakonie
Aschaffenburg Klinika
Kloster Dobbertin
Rhön-Klinikum Campus Bad Neustadt
Akademie der Aachen Münchener
AXA Akademie
Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall
Deutsche Bank
Sparda Bank
Sparkasse Hanau
Volksbank Mittelhessen
Flughafen Düsseldorf
Messe Freiburg
Karlsruhe Messe
Partneri koji nam vjeruju

m3connect pruža podršku AccorInvestu u procesu prelaska u Cloud

Radujemo se što u našem najnovijem videu možemo predstaviti suradnju s AccorInvest na projektu “Shaheen”, koji revolucionira hotelijerstvo u pogledu učinkovitosti i održivosti. U središtu našeg partnerstva je stvaranje jedinstvene mrežne infrastrukture koja otvara put za nove usluge temeljene na Cloud-u i osigurava brži i pouzdaniji sustav u cijeloj mreži AccorInvest-a. Harmonizacijom svih sustava diljem svijeta u AccorInvestu, m3connect optimizira rad i olakšava migraciju svih fizičkih poslužitelja u Cloud-u, što rezultira značajnom uštedom energije.

Ahmed Disokey, VP of Hotel Technology u AccorInvest-u, ističe važnost našeg zajedničkog projekta: “There is no limits anymore. With Shaheen, we now have a project that gives this variety of innovation and efficiency for our hotels. And more to come, it’s just a start for thinking about tomorrow.”

Ponosni smo što igramo ulogu u digitalnoj transformaciji AccorInvest-a i s oduševljenjem predstavljamo video o našem zajedničkom projektu po prvi put. U njemu pružamo uvid u naše partnerstvo i pokazujemo kako se ambiciozni ciljevi u digitalnoj transformaciji i održivosti mogu uspješno postići kroz prilagođenu tehnologiju.



M3Connect na IHTF-u u Barceloni: 16.-18. travnja

International Hotel Technology Forum (IHTF) otvorit će svoja vrata u Barceloni od 16. do 18. travnja! IHTF predstavlja renomirano središte inovacija u tehnologiji hotela, pružajući nevjerojatnu priliku hotelijerima i inovatorima da se povežu i razmijene ideje.

Naš tim iz m3connect-a također će biti na licu mjesta, radujući se angažiranim raspravama i istraživanju najnovijih izazova i mogućnosti u području hotelske tehnologije. S više od šest lokacija diljem svijeta, uključujući Aachen, Šibenik i Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate, opremljeni smo da vas podržimo kao partner s međunarodnim iskustvom.

Specijalizirani smo za različita područja, uključujući:

  • IT mrežni sustavi: Naš holistički pristup osigurava prilagođeno rješenje mreže od koncepta do implementacije. Razvijamo koncept prilagođen vašim potrebama i upravljamo svim aspektima, od postavljanja do kontinuiranih operacija, postižući maksimalnu učinkovitost i značajne uštede troškova.
  • Tehnička oprema: Od odgovarajuće hardverske opreme do rutera, pristupnih točaka i najnaprednijih TV sustava, koristimo inovativne tehnologije za razvoj prilagođenih rješenja. Naš cilj je unaprijediti iskustvo gostiju u vašem hotelu i optimizirati operativne procese.
  • Cloudification i virtualizacija: Kako bismo osigurali sigurnu vezu s cloud aplikacijama unutar mreže, besprijekorno integriramo postojeće cloud aplikacije i nudimo fleksibilna i skalabilna rješenja. Dodatno, pružamo opciju virtualizacije vaših aplikacija u našim vlastitim podatkovnim centrima.
  • Implementacija jedinstvenih IT standarda: Uvođenjem jedinstvenih IT standarda u strukturu vaše mreže poboljšavamo performanse vašeg poslovanja i omogućujemo učinkovito upravljanje i održavanje. Ti standardi osiguravaju dosljednost kroz sve koncepte i strukture vaše mreže, olakšavajući sustavne radne procese i doprinoseći uštedi resursa i troškova.
  • Standardizacija procesa: Mi smo vaš partner u optimizaciji hotelskih procesa. Naše iskustvo obuhvaća prilagođeno savjetovanje za razvoj odgovarajućih standarda prilagođenih potrebama vašeg hotela. Zajedno definiramo odgovarajuće mjere i učinkovito ih implementiramo na svim vašim lokacijama, osiguravajući glatko poslovanje i dugoročni uspjeh.
  • Naše All-in-One rješenje za first class Guest Experience: S našim posebno razvijenim rješenjem, conn4, dizajniranim za hotelsku industriju, možete jednostavno upravljati informacijama, komunikacijom, zabavom i marketinškim rješenjima putem conn4 upravljačke ploče. Conn4 nudi raznovrsne usluge za poboljšanje iskustva gostiju, uključujući Wi-Fi za goste, sustav za zabavu gostiju, VoIP i rješenja za digitalno oglašavanje. Marketinške kampanje mogu se lako kreirati i reproducirati na svim uređajima u vlasništvu hotela i uređajima gostiju koristeći integrirani sustav za upravljanje sadržajem (CMS).

S našim dugogodišnjim iskustvom u hotelskoj industriji, uključujući renomirane marke poput AccorInvest, B&B Hotela, Motel One i mnoge druge, nudimo prilagođena rješenja koja su precizno prilagođena individualnim potrebama svakog hotela.

Radujemo se što ćemo se s vama susresti na IHTF-u. Rado ćemo vam predstaviti neke od naših uspješnih primjera na IHTF-u kako bismo vas inspirirali za vaš posao i pokazali vam kako prilagoditi svoj hotel najnovijim trendovima i pripremiti ga za budućnost.

Veselimo se prilici za osobni razgovor s vama!


AutoTrailer – Factory Logistics in the 5G Campus Network

As part of a three-year research project between 2019 and 2022, m3connect explored the application possibilities of an intelligent factory in the logistics domain in collaboration with three Bavarian partner companies and supported by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy. Under the project name “Autonomous and Connected Logistics,” autonomous transport systems and mobile devices were tested under real conditions in a 5G campus network at the BMW Group Dingolfing plant.

To facilitate this, m3connect installed a private mobile network covering roughly 25,000 square meters at the Dingolfing site. This network ensures wireless communication for the AutoTrailer, an autonomous vehicle manufactured by Stäubli WFT. Instead of traditional tractor trailers, the AutoTrailer autonomously transports arriving containers within the factory approximately 500 meters to the dock gates at the shipping area. After being loaded with spare parts, the trailer transports the loaded container to a collection point, preparing it for shipment.

Under the project, other digitization concepts were integrated in addition to connecting to the transport assignment system. Employees were able to communicate directly with the autonomous vehicle via mobile devices on the parking lot. Test drive data was also transmitted and processed via the private mobile network into the cloud. Through the 5G infrastructure, monitoring and evaluation concepts were implemented to assess the performance of the transport system.

Productive tests of logistics applications in 5G campus networks provide a substantial insight into the potential of 5G in industrial settings. Particularly, the ability to track the real-time spatial positioning of network participants creates the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the productivity of autonomous logistics vehicles.

“We used exclusively OpenRAN hardware and software in this research project. This standard guarantees us the ability to modularly and manufacturer-independently expand and scale the private 5G mobile network. As ORAN products were in the early stages of technological development during the project timeline, we faced some stability issues that we were able to largely overcome throughout the project. The technological maturity of 5G ORAN networks will soon reliably meet industrial SLAs.” – Justin Eichenlaub, Head of Cellular Solutions, m3connect

Private 5G mobile networks are a central component on the path to a fully connected production, particularly contributing to comprehensive and robust machine communication in extensive logistics areas. The ability to operate these networks independently and integrate them into existing industrial networks allows for maximum protection of sensitive and mission-critical data and reduces dependencies on external suppliers.

m3connect conducted this subproject in collaboration with partners Accelleran, a manufacturer of RAN software, and Benetel, a provider of RAN hardware


AutoTrailer moves trucks autonomously (11/2018)

© Copyright BMW GROUP



From WLAN pioneer to market leader. Since 2001, m3connect has evolved into one of the largest Wireless Service Providers in Europe, with offices in Aachen, Karlsruhe, Munich, San Francisco, Sibenik (Croatia), and the United Arab Emirates. Globally, m3connect serves roughly 13,000 locations for its customers in over 23 countries and, as a visionary in cloud technologies for more than 20 years, continues to expand its in-house platform. As a technology leader, m3connect provides wireless, best-in-class internet connectivity with flexible design. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies like WLAN, private LTE, and 5G, m3connect creates innovative software solutions such as SD-WAN and various digital applications. Its range of services includes digital signage, guest infotainment systems, VoIP, VoD, and location-based services. m3connect is also a platform developer and integrates its solutions into the existing processes of its customers.


The Belgian company Accelleran, based in Antwerp, offers OpenRAN software solutions for operators of 5G and private LTE networks. With Accelleran’s unique software architecture, customers can leverage the extensive potential of software-defined networks, network virtualization, and RAN intelligence to manage private, public, and neutral-host networks optimally. Accelleran’s dRAX system provides proven container-based software components to implement applications with multi-vendor, intelligent, and disaggregated OpenRAN elements based on leading standards such as the O-RAN Alliance. www.accelleran.de


Benetel meets the current requirements of the rapidly advancing digital transformation by providing leading-edge radio solutions for disaggregated 5G-RAN and 4G LTE Small Cells. By producing radios and related services that support the principle of openness, Benetel consistently delivers reliable mobile connectivity in all locations and weather conditions. Benetel is an Irish company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.


Druid Software develops software core solutions for private mobile networks. Since 2000, Druid has become the global market leader for private 5G-SA (standalone) and 4G LTE solutions.


Premiere of our 5G Network for Event Locations

In the past months, we were commissioned by the event agency MH Event GmbH to provide technological support for the centennial celebration of a globally leading company in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sector. Our responsibility was to equip the 7,000 square meter event venue with our private mobile network. The on-site program was extremely diverse and included live acts, food trucks, bouncy castles, and numerous other attractions.

The client’s request was to establish a swift and cashless payment system at the refreshment stands through our mobile network. To achieve this, we covered the area with wireless connectivity and deployed two 5G mobile transmitters along with a compact, mobile server box. Using the smartphones we provided, the food truck staff efficiently took and processed orders.

Another innovation involved integrating NFC chips, which were attached to the visitors’ admission wristbands and could be loaded with credit. With these chips, guests had the convenience of making payments without cash. The underlying software for the NFC payment system was provided by our partner, Ticketree.

Throughout the entire event, excellent network stability was maintained. The organizer was highly satisfied with the performance of our m3connect mobile network, and stimulating discussions about further potentials of the mobile network were held.

Following the promising success of our initial pilot project, our focus now turns to our next goal: the Rock in Rott Festival, taking place from September 1st to September 3rd, 2023. In addition to the proven NFC payment application, we are planning to integrate exciting new features into the m3connect mobile network – stay tuned!

For further information about the charity festival Rock in Rott, please visit www.rockinrott.de.

We look forward to your visit!